About Us

Who are we and why tofu?

Hi, we’re Zeyu & Roman. We’ve met during our world travels and we continue our life journey together since. During our stay in Asia, Zeyu introduced Roman to the world of tofu and we started exploring all its kinds, styles, and we’ve never stopped since. We love healthy, hearthy cooking, and fusion of world cusines. With Unitedtofu, we wish to create the home of tofu with all tofu recipes, united. 💚

What is the mission of Unitedtofu?


To represent all tofu. Tofu comes in many sizes, shapes and styles. There is so much you can do with it and you can even make your own tofu at home!


To spread the love for plant-based alternative that’s all natural and tested by thousands of years in asian cuisines. No suffering and no artificial ingredients.


To show how versatile tofu is and that you can cook any recipe with it. Savory, sweet, cold, hot, steamed, baked, fried, grilled, the list goes on!

Join Us

Would you like to collaborate with Unitedtofu? Do you have a recipe you’d love to share? Get in touch with us, we’d love to hear from you!

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