
Kung Pao Tofu

Sweet & Spicy


  1. Cut the tofu puffs to small cubes and marinate them with light soy sauce, black pepper, red paprika powder, salt, chili powder for around 20 mins.
  2. Roast the peanuts on a pan with some oil.
  3. Prepare the Kung Pao sauce with soy sauce, vinegar, brown sugar, dried chili pepper, shredded garlic, cut spring onions, a bit of rum, several spoons of flour and Sichuan pepper oil. Mix the ingredients with a bit of water if needed.
  4. Warm the pan with olive oil, put shredded garlic, slices of ginger, spring onions and dried chili pepper to the pan and stir fry them until the flavors come out of the ingredients.
  5. Put the marinated tofu puff cubes and shredded red paprika into the pan
  6. Pour the Kung Pao sauce and stir fry the ingredients until the sauce becomes condensed and sticky.
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