
Tofu Zucchini Pancakes

Wednesday comforting meal. Another yummy dish for lazy chefs ;)


  • pressed minced tofu
  • shredded zucchini
  • potatoes in slices
  • shredded garlic
  • spring onions
  • flour
  • black pepper
  • salt
  • sesame oil
  • light soy sauce
  • curry powder
  • curcuma powder
  • red paprika powder
  • chilli powder


Simply mix all mentioned ingredients together and spread the mixture in square on a baking tray. It’s better to squeeze out the veggies’ water before mixing them together with flour and spices. The baking takes 20-25 minutes under 200°C until the pancake becomes tanned and a bit crispy. Cut the big pancake into pieces and enjoy with some homemade cashew cream.

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